Submission Process

Submission Process

Thank you for your interest in Iron Stream Media

We are currently accepting submissions for 2024-2026 releases. Please email following the guidelines below.

All submissions must follow the following guidelines.

No query letters. Electronic submissions only. Iron Stream Media only accepts agented proposals unless invited to submit by a team member at a conference.

The Details

  • Agent (when applicable) and author’s name, and all contact information (address, phone numbers, email, etc.).

  • A working title.

  • Projected word length of the manuscript.

  • The hook: A one-sentence statement that describes the distinguishing feature that will draw the reader in.

  • The premise: A seventy-five-word summary of the book. Imagine this summary is on the back cover of the book.

  • The takeaway: A half-page overview including what you hope to accomplish in the way of transformation in the life of the reader.

  • A brief profile of your reader with a clear explanation of the needs of the reader that your book meets. Also, list any additional audiences you expect your book will attract.

  • A listing of current books similar to yours and a brief explanation of how yours is both different and/or better.

All About You

  • Your biography, including your qualifications to write on this topic (if nonfiction). Include writing and work experience, as well as education and training.

  • A description of potential marketing channels to which you have access (e.g., contacts you have in key organizations, groups you speak to regularly, key people you know who would endorse your book, etc.).

  • Ideas for digital resources you might provide that add value to your print book (e.g., additional material, book club ideas, lists of resources, etc.).

  • A listing of your social media and blog platform. Please include monthly blog views (if applicable) and social media followers on each platform (if applicable).

  • A listing of any books you have published, providing titles, publisher, and approximate sales to date.

Synopsis and Samples

  • For nonfiction, a chapter-by-chapter annotated outline that clearly summarizes the overall content and key ideas of each chapter.

  • For nonfiction, two sample chapters of your book.

  • For fiction, a five- to seven-page synopsis of the book. This should feature the main characters, the primary conflict, twists, and the final outcome.

  • For fiction, also include the first three chapters (if you have been published) or the complete manuscript (if this is your first book).